Walt: Mommy, do we have some food to give him?
Me: No, we don't have any today. We need to remember to get some more on Sunday night at church.
Walt (rolling down window): I'm sorry, we don't have any food today.
Me (rolling up window): Walt, that was nice, but it's really not a good idea to talk to strangers. You might not always know if they're nice or not nice. You should really let mommy talk if we need to tell him something.
(Though, for the record, the man was very nice, smiled at Walt and said, "That's okay, man.")
This led into a discussion of why we shouldn't talk to strangers, and who a kid should talk to if he needed help. Why, the police, of course.
Adam: I'm going to be a policeman when I grow up.
Walt: I'm going to be a basketball player.
A: Or I might be a preacher, like my daddy.
W: You'll have to learn a lot about God to be a preacher.
A: Yeah.
W: Do you want to be a preacher because your family owns the church?
A: We don't own the church! God owns the church!
W: Is that true, Mommy?
M: Well, yes, kind of. Robert is just kind of the leader of the church, but I guess God really "owns" it.
(Aside: Walt is very into who "owns" everything lately. He was very excited to meet his second restaurant owner last night when we went to Lou's Pizza for dinner.)
W: Does God own it because he lives there?
M: Well, God kind of lives everywhere.
(Somebody help me, please!)
A: Is he in that truck up there?
M: Well . . .
W: You can't see God because he's the invisible Holy Spirit.
A: Yeah, like a ghost. Like ghost Anakin Skywalker or ghost Obi-Wan Kenobi!
So, to answer the burning question in your mind . . . can two preschoolers start a conversation about social justice and bring it back around to Star Wars? Yes!!