Tuesday, April 20, 2010

No Confidence

I know I'm the rookie in this, but what gives? Today marked by third time to drop the boys off. Before we even left our house to pick up Walt, Adam told me he didn't want me to take them to school. He wanted mom to instead. I asked why. His response: "Because I don't want you to keep breaking the rules." Something about where to park the car.

Apparently neither one of them has much confidence in my ability to get them to school. Needless to say, I decided to be stubborn and park somewhere I knew would be different. They didn't like it. I told them to man up - "Five blocks isn't going to kill you." They cried. OK, most of that I just made up. Good to get a morning started like that. It wasn't even a block that we had to walk, and there were no tears. Maybe they even like me a little more. Or not.

One more thing about this morning...there was silence for over 2 minutes at one point. It was as if they had nothing else to talk about. It felt very weird. I almost started talking just to break the awkward silence. You'll all be happy to know that I resisted, and soon enough a reference to Star Wars came out, and all was ok with the world again.

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