Well, it's the last day of Pre-K CLUE...Micah and I waited patiently by the school door while Micah entertained all of the other expectant parents as he practiced walking up and down the steps. Then the sound of scurrying, excited children grew louder and louder as the class lined up on the other side of the door. Mrs. Merritt opened the door, thanked the parents for giving her the best class she has ever taught, then dismissed "Meredith...Adam...Walt....!"
"WE'RE KINDERGARTENERS!!!!!!" Adam yelled at the top of his lungs as he bounded down the stairs. The boys said goodbye to various friends, Doran, Aaron, and CJ.
As we loaded up the car, I noticed the medallions they each had around their necks. "Medals of Courage" from the Wizard of Oz, because they will be "brave when we go to Kindergarten."
Walt: You know Adam, we probably won't ever see these kids again.
Adam: Yeah, I know.
Walt: We'll see CJ, 'cause he's going to Peabody with us. And Meredith. But we won't see the others. (Glad to see they are adjusting okay to this milestone! Geez! Someone hand me a kleenex!)
Adam: Why is it called Kindergarten? That sounds like something that should be outside.
Walt: Mandy, have any astronauts been to Pluto? I bet it would take astronauts three years to get to Pluto...
And so went the rest of the drive home. But I did manage to snap a pic of the little guys on their last day of Pre-K/first (unofficial) day as Kindergarteners:

Soon, they will be trading in their Downtown Elementary Red polos for Peabody Elementary Blue polos. We will no longer be carpooling them to Pre-K, but walking them to our neighborhood school just a few blocks away. But I'm sure we'll continue to write about the adventures of these two. How else will Mrs. Merritt keep up with the little rascals (at least until they are old enough for facebook accounts!)